

Introducing the Viral Funneling Framework

Create Viral Attention For Your Business
So You Can Grow An Audience That Buys!

Find REAL Buyers Without Spending A Penny On Ads!
Grow Attention, Your List, Your Sales-Flow!!

(Even If You Think Virals Aren't for "Your Niche"!)

Learn How To Manufacture Engagement
That Spreads Your Content Like Wildfire


“I post and I post and I post …” But I don't see real results!

“Does a viral actually bring me SALES??”

“... but all I get are crickets. Is social media dead?”

“ … because it sure is getting expensive running ads! Is it really only pay to play?”

“... but my content isn’t translating into sales. 😭 What am I doing wrong?”

I hear you! Viral engagement isn’t easy. It’s simple – but it’s not easy.

We tend to put virality on the same level as winning the lottery – it only happens for a select few by chance.

Here’s the thing though. Viral engagement can be purposefully manufactured.

I know, because I’ve done it!

I’ve helped my businesses get 10,000,000 views on a single post on social media more than a dozen times.

It’s NOT just a shot in the dark! There’s a framework you can follow to help you grow attention online and give your business a big bang of awareness with FREE traffic.

You Only Need Three Simple Tactics!

1) A basic understanding of the parts of a post and how engagement works
2) A plan for stacking engagement to keep more eyeballs on your content
3) A viral funnel to capture the traffic so you can sell to your products to them

Viral funnels make it possible for ANYONE to do this …

… EVEN IF you’ve never gone viral before.

… EVEN IF you have a small audience right now.

… Even if your business is brand new.

... Even if you THINK your business is boring!

All without spending any money on ads.

Do I have your attention yet?


SHWEET! The Entire Framework For Creating Viral Engagement Is Inside

Viral Funneling Framework

My proven system for growing audiences without ads!

This is the same framework our student, Hannah, used
to grow TWO Facebook groups to 100,000+ followers each.

And It’s Not Hard. Viral Funnels Can Be As Simple As ...

Step 1: "Stop The Scroll" Content

Optimize each part of your posts to get your readers’ attention.

Saving You =
All the time and energy you’d normally spend trying to grab people’s attention. Not to mention all the money you’d have spent on ads!

Step 2: Connect 
with Your Reader

I’ll teach you the questions to ask to determine the exact what type of content your audience wants.

Saving You =
The discouraging feeling of posting but never getting any response. People will share your content like crazy because it will resonate!

Step 3: Stack

Viral content isn’t one and done. I’ll show you how to keep engagement coming in waves.

Saving You =
No more having to come up with endless new ideas. Top engaged content stays in play, gathering more and more ideal audience members with one post.

Think Going Viral Couldn’t Happen For You?


✔️ My audience is too small. I could never go viral.

✔️ I don’t know what to post about that people would want to share and engage with.

✔️ Going viral is something only the big influencers can do. That’s not me.

✔️ I don’t have time to be posting all day every day just to get good engagement.

✔️ Other people make it look so stinkin’ easy. I don’t even know where to start.

Yikes! I see what you mean, Rachel. I need help!

Fan-Freakin’-Tastic! Let’s Build 

Some Viral Content Funnels!  

Hi there, I’m Rachel Miller..

People Collector - with over 4 Million Followers!

Business Builder - Four So Far - over $10M in revenue!

Creator of MOOLAH - with over 27,000 Students in My Programs! 

But the reality is that I am actually unemployable.  As a mom of six kids a traditional job wasn't going to fit our family's needs.

I knew I had to create my own "path".  But I had no real skills - I had been a school teacher!  I had no capital for ads!

What I did have was a desire to make a difference. I started a blog, then another blog, then an e-commerce store, I wrote some books, and before I knew it - My businesses were running without me!!

Loving and serving my audiences.

Viral funnels aren’t rocket science. 
Any one in ANY niche can grow an audience for their businesses!

And before you think I had to song-and-dance to get attention, several of my brands have NO CLUE that I am the person behind them! 

99.99% of my traffic is organic. How is that possible? I’ve cracked the code on viral engagement, and I’m breaking it all down inside Viral Funnels.
The truth is, I’m not special. 

I’m just a coffee-drinking mom of six who spends way too much time in the carpool lane and juggles all the same things you do.

Virals build awareness of your brand
helping customers find your programs & products!

Before we go too far though, let’s talk about what VIRAL really means.

There are actually two ways a person can go viral.

Personal Viral - Reaching more than 10 times your normal engagement with a single piece of content.

Official Viral - Reaching more than 1 million people with a single piece of content without ad spend.

Both are something that businesses can make happen...
Virals are not random.

Viral Funnels will show you how to use both to grow your audience and generate social shares that validate your brand and products.

And the awesome sauce part is, anyone can generate viral engagement and build a big audience full of people they can retarget their products to WITHOUT spending a penny on ads.

The training and tools inside Viral Funnels shows you how to do everything step by step in a way that’s easy to replicate. (Just like I’ve done to go viral over a forty times in my own businesses.)

We create Viral Funnels that fill our audiences with engaged members who go on to buy my products.

Viral Funnels is my proven framework system that shows you EXACTLY how to grow viral engagement with your posts and content so you can grow audiences without spending on ads.

It also shows you how engagement works on multiple platforms and how your profile and pages can be optimized to help you get even better results.

This is the same framework I’ve used to go viral with 1 million+ views on a single piece of content 12 TIMES. The same framework that’s helped 50 other businesses do the same.

The audiences this type of content builds are the kind of people who WANT me to sell to them, generating traffic to my passive offers for FREE!

And this framework is perfect for you EVEN IF your business is new and you don’t have a huge following (yet). 

Oh! Did I mention you don’t need any fancy equipment or expensive software?

And it’s just $27! What are you waiting for?

Everything You Need To Plan and Create Content
Your People Will Love to Share Is Inside


Step-By-Step Video Trainings

Watch over my shoulder as I break down the Viral Funnel Framework step-by-step. I cover everything from the nitty-gritty profile and page details you need in place to call more perfect people to you to platform-specific strategies and tips. 

Viral Funneling Guidebook

There’s a workbook covering each of the three launch models so you can get down to the nitty-gritty to get the best results for whatever launch length you’re in at the moment.

Viral Engagement & Promotion Checklists

There’s a workbook covering each of the three launch models so you can get down to the nitty-gritty to get the best results for whatever launch length you’re in at the moment.

BONUS: Banned Words Cheat Sheet

Want to see a visual, step-by-step representation of each entire launch process from the 2-day to the 2-month? I’m throwing in my launch blueprint, too, so you can follow it step by step.

BONUS: Viral Profit Predictor

Use our engagement calculator to help you plan your business growth, it uses industry-standard conversion rates.

BONUS: Viral Blog Post Titles Collection

If longer written content is your thing, grab this collection of viral blog post titles. The title is the first thing people read – and the biggest determining factor in whether or not they KEEP reading. This list is full of winners!

BONUS: Viral Post Example Bank

Will this framework work in any niche? Heck yeah! The Viral Post Example Bank showcases in more than 20 different niches. Why reinvent the wheel when you can model (not copy!) what’s already been proven to work?

With Viral Funnels, You’ll Be Whooping-It-Up As You...

😃 See people commenting, sharing, and engaging like crazy with your content

😃 Watch the number page followers go up, up, UP

😃 Have a clear sense of what that juicy, shareable content is for your niche

😃 Get an infusion of new perfect-fit customers and clients for your products and offers

😃 Achieve a brand-boost that puts you – and your products – in front of more eyeballs

Could you get the same results WITHOUT Viral Funnels?
Maybe, but you’d probably have to … 

  • Spend a ton of time researching topics and wading through what’s just trendy versus what’s actually viral-worthy
  • ​Free up some budget for MetaTM ads
  • ​Wrack your brain for titles and viral hooks and angles
  • ​ Trial-and-error your follow-up engagement, not knowing how to fire up the post again and again

OR Spend Just $27 On Viral Funnels 

it's cheaper than most pizza dinners!  And will feed ya for life... Seriously!

P.S.  This is fully guaranteed!  If you do not see an increase of engagement from using 
these tactics in less then a month get EVERY penny of your purchase of this program back!

With The Ads 101 Video Guide, Get Ready 
To Happy Dance Your Heart Out As You

😃 Hit publish on your next ad feeling excited and eager (instead of stressed and overwhelmed) because you know it will mean SALES! Yee-haw!

😃 Stop worrying about wasting money on ads because you’ll KNOW you’ve got the right ones firing 

😃 Get back to engaging and connecting with your existing audience and all the new people who start pouring in

😃 Foolproof your ads and avoid the stress and frustration of having an ad rejected

😃 Watch your audience grow without feeling like you’re waving goodbye to all your cash


Is the Viral Funnels for me?

Are you a business owner? Do you have an audience you want to nurture towards your products and services?

Looking for a way to grow your following so you can monetize and start generating passive income?

Then yep, this is for you!

How is this delivered?

Viral Funnels is stored inside a private site.

You’ll be able to go through the trainings, download the assets, and get crackin’ on creating viral content whenever you like.

Do you have a return policy?

Yes. We know that this system WORKS, and we stand behind our products.

Your satisfaction with them is important to us, so if you don't see an increase in reach or engagement on your account, within a month of your purchase, reach out to us and we will refund you fully.

AND we will refund you even if the reason why you didn’t get it done is that you just forgot about it/us!! We take all the risk!

Is this really worth the cost?

Holy Moly YES!

Viral Funnels is WAY cheaper than paying for traffic, and inside you’ll find the same strategies more than 50 of my students and I have used to go viral – 1 million+ engagements on a single piece of content.

PLUS you’ll never run out of ideas with the collection of amazing bonuses that will shortcut your time when it comes to creating and naming your content.

You will not find a better, more practical, and more comprehensive viral funnel framework resource at a lower price.

How soon will I receive my system?

Access to Viral Funnels will be delivered digitally to the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 15 minutes of your purchase.

If you didn't get the email, reach out and we will get you in!


Satisfaction Guarantee
We’re so certain Viral Funnels works, we’re willing to stand behind it 100%. Your satisfaction is important to us, so if you don't get your viral engagement post up and running within 30 days of purchase, reach out to us and we will refund you fully.

Get The PROVEN Framework For Building An Engaged Audience With Viral Content – No Ads Needed 

Copyright © 2022 LRM Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Result representations made by LRM Products on this page are aspirational statements of your potential.  The successes of other students who have taken our programs are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results.  Results are dependent on a number of factors including individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, ability to complete the assignments in our program.  As such, individual results will always vary. 

LRM Products is not responsible for your actions, you are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the use of our products and services is based on your own due diligence.